Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My 3 Year Old Portraits

We went to Sears this morning to do my annual portraits. I wanted to bring along my soccer ball and a book, so I used the ball during my photo shoot. Mom was worried I wouldn't be into it or that she would be constantly wiping my nose (since I have had a runny one), but surprisingly it went well. Dad was even able to come down during his lunch break to help us choose photos to order. They made me do some funny poses, with my arms bent and hands in my pockets. Mom kept telling me to say, "Cheese, but show your teeth!". So, I ended up contributing some of my own poses. When the photographer asked Mom if she wanted me to do anything else, I said, "How about I go on my back?" and I tried to do a back bend. I also just laid on the floor. She thought that was funny. I also jumped in the air and showed her my super duper soccer kicking skills. The gal did some really cool things with the pictures, and we were lucky enough to walk away with the cd of all of the enhancements because she was backed up and short staffed so she just burned us a copy of the whole thing.

Mom was happy with the one of me posing with my soccer ball in front of my silhouette. At first, she thought it was a generic soccer template/shadow, until the gal told her it was really me! Watch out world....you may have a future soccer star!

It was a successful morning, but I refused to take a nap in the afternoon, so I had major meltdowns by dinner (which I skipped and just went straight to bed). That's why, Mom says, she always schedules our photo sessions first thing in the morning!

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