Monday, August 30, 2010

Choosing a Toy for Baby

Mom took me to Kahala Kids after school. It's a baby store. She told me I could choose a gift for baby, so I chose a penguin squeaky toy. I was very excited, but when we got to the cash register, I asked, with some hesitation in my voice, "But, Mom, can I borrow it?"...

On the way home, I wanted to hold the toy. Mom reminded me that it's a gift and that when we got home we could wrap it. I told her that's okay. We didn't have to wrap it. She suggested we put it in a nice gift bag. I said, "No it already has a bag" (the plastic bag it came in)

Friday, August 27, 2010

I am 38 Months Old!

We've had kid birthdays and Mom has had a lot of friend's that have had babies this month. I started back to school this month. I'm in a class with 3 and 4 year olds this year, but my friend Kaiea is still in the 2 year old class. My teacher Auntie Linda is going to teach us some Hawaiian culture this year. One day, I got to be the teacher for a day and lead the class in songs and I got to count how many kids were here. Auntie Linda said I did a good job. I had no problem counting. I always have a good nap at school. I'm the first to go down and usually the last to wake up each day. On another day, she complimented me because I threaded a bead necklace all by myself!

Some funny things I've said lately:

The other day I sneezed, so Mom said, "Bless you!" Then, I coughed, and I said, "Cough you!"