Friday, July 2, 2010

My 3 Year Old Checkup

I haven't been to the doctor for a year, so today was my 3 year old checkup with the pediatrician. Daddy usually likes to come to my appointments because he and Dr. Sia talk shoes and joke back and forth with each other, but Daddy was too busy at work so it was just me and Mom.

It was a great, quick exam. Dr. Sia says that I'm healthy, more mature than some 5 year olds he exams, and I had an awesome growth spurt! Since I was born, I've always been in the 10 - 25 percentile when it comes to weight and height. But, that I've turned 3 years old, I'm on the big boy chart! Today, I weighed in at 32.6 pounds (50 - 75%), and I am 38 1/4 inches tall (75%). I'm just a couple inches shy of being able to ride all the rides at Disneyland, and Dr. Sia predicts that I will be 5'11" to 6' tall when I'm an adult (of course, Mommy always remembers that her own dad was mad when Mommy didn't turn out as tall as the doctor predicted she would be, so we take the doctor's prediction with a grain of salt).

I have to go back tomorrow morning to get my TB shot, but all looks good, so my next check up with the doc isn't until I turn 4! (though we'll probably be seeing Dr. Sia in October/November when my sibling comes along)...

Here I am box sliding at school! I even went backwards!

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