Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Zack loves his food!

I know you're not supposed to compare children, but Zack is a much better eater than Chase. At 16 months, he eats just about anything. Chase would not even touch sauces until he was about 3 years old, and even now, he has to have the sauce on the side and just dips each noodle in the sauce, one at a time. And, well, Zack...This was a bit extreme, but he definitely was INTO the sauce. (and playing peek-a-boo I might add)...Let's just say, he went right into the bath after this dinner.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

My little Asian baby....Whenever Zack sees a camera he squints preparing for the flash. Never fails, every time.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Punahou Carnival

Zack - 16 months - at Punahou Carnival
Helping Chase golf at the kiddie games at Punahou carnival
We hung out with Jason and his daughter Raegan who came to visit from Seattle (just for the Punahou Carnival!) and to see Chris and family of course.
Chase got a tattoo at the carnival.
Can't forget about eating malasadas at the carnival!

Just hanging out at Punahou Carnival...See you again next year!

Poi Pounders

We started receiving scholarship for Chase's preschool tuition from Kamehameha this semester. As part of the agreement, we need to complete community service hours in the Hawaiian community. With my busy work schedule and professional development classes I have on the weekends, it has been challenging finding time to do this but today we were able to attend a Keiki O Ka 'Aina Kalo Series workshop. They have been meeting a couple of times a month making poi boards and poi pounders and working in the lo'i (taro patch). Since we just attended this one, we didn't have any materials to work with, so we just learned on the community board the proper way to carve the board and how to pick a pohaku (rock) and start carving that into the correct shape for a poi pounder. The boys played on the playground equipment, while I tried to learn the proper way to carve! My friend Uakea had brought her kids as well. The bottom picture is her son working on carving his stone.