Sunday, September 27, 2009

I'm 27 Months Old Today!

I'm talking a lot more these days....

...and noticing things and commenting on them.

The other night in the bath, I bent over and asked, "What's that?!" as I looked between my legs. I already now my "eenis" as I say " eenis..." while opening and closing my legs.

But I noticed something else there! Daddy told me it was my "scrotum". Didn't know there were so many parts down there.

Besides my body parts, I like to look at the clouds and name the shape or the animal I see.

This month, I've also been learning to "use my words" more. When I need help with a toy or a book, Mommy taught me to say, "I need help!". I use that a lot now.

Today I locked myself in my bedroom while I was playing. I freaked out a little until Daddy told me to wiggle the handle. "I did it!" (another one of my favorite sayings) and was able to get out safely.

Mommy and Daddy say I've been really hyper lately. Jumping, running, jumping on the bed, running, jumping on Mommy, running, screaming, yelling...I like having Mommy and Daddy copy me too. So I'll yell and say, "You try it." I'll stick out my tongue and say, "You try it." When I was a baby, they used to have me do all these tricks. Now, it's payback time. They're such suckers.

I'm almost done with my second session of swimming lessons. My favorite part of swimming (besides jumping in the pool for the toy) is playing on the playground with my friends. The other parents have commented on how coordinated I am, as I run circles around the play structure, swing from the bars, jump over tree stumps, and climb up the side bars on my own.

I still don't mind being in my wet or poopy diapers, so potty training has been a slow process. Besides, Mommy and Daddy are working on me pulling up my pants on my own (as I much prefer to continue playing with them hanging around my ankles).

Starches, veggies, and fruits are still my preferred food choices. But, I'm back onto poi too. And of course I drink about a gallon of whole milk in a week. Although, the preschool records what I eat each day, and Mom and Dad were surprised that I ate pork! They're hoping peer pressure works.

Mom and Dad always have the video camera ready because they say I do and say a lot of funny things these days.

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