Monday, November 9, 2009


As Mommy was rushing to get ready for work, I was running around from room to room in the house. From the bedroom, I told Mommy, "Mommy, I put ________ on."

Of course, that's what she heard, and she just agreed and said, "Okay." (what she usually does when she doesn't understand me)

A few minutes later, she goes, "Chase, wait, what did you put on?! Come here please!" (with a sudden worry in her voice)

I run into the bathroom to tell her, "I put shtick on."

"What?!" Mom goes.

I lean in towards Mommy this time and say it slowly (just like a teacher)...."riiiiiick--shtiiiick."

"What? Show me," Mom says.

So she follows me into the bedroom and I take the chapstick off her desk, take the cover off, twist the bottom (although I needed a little help because it got stuck), and put it on my lips.

"Rickstick, Mom."

"Oh, okay. Very good, Chase. Now, put it back," Mom says.

(Coincidentally, Mommy learned a story this afternoon of a preschooler at her school who mimicked his Mommy by putting on lipstick while he was pretending to drive a car. Only thing is, he was using a blue marker to color his lips. Mommy hopes I don't do this one day.)

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes; kids and cosmetics. At age 3 AR was a Red Hot Chili Pepper in her first ballet recital. Although a bit bossy she performed very well and blew us a kiss at the end. During intermission we picked our 'Chili Pepper' up from the green room (performers' holding area). She looked like a clown with red lipstick stretching up under her nose and nearly down to her chin. She had gotten into her ballet bag, found the lipstick and decided to 'freshen up'...fortunately it was AFTER the performance.
