Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Water Fun!

This afternoon, it was sooooo hot that Nana got the pool out for me. The neighbor girl Kerza (she's 8 years old) was off from school, so she decided to join me in the little pool.

We had so much fun! Nana said if she knew Kerza would come over 3 times a week, we'd have to buy a much bigger pool. Even though it was cozy, we had fun pouring cupfuls of water on each other's head. She was gentle with me, but sometimes I whacked her in the face on accident. We had fun taking turns filling up the pool with the water hose.

Then, Mommy made the mistake of telling Kerza that she had her swimsuit on. Uh oh!

Kerza starting shooting Mommy with the hose. I thought that was hilarious! Mommy kept running away, and Kerza got her soaking wet! I tried to throw water on her too. It was so much fun!

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