Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I am almost 2 years old!

Hmmm...I know I'm almost 2, but these shoes still look a little big for me.
(Maybe by next year, they'll fit me...and I'll figure out how to put them on the right feet!)

Today, I am 23 months old...which means I'm almost 2!  Lots has happened this month!  I got my 2nd haircut.  I got another lei to play with on May Day.  I got to celebrate Mother's Day with Mommy and Nana (though I was thinking of you too, GlamMa!).  Two of mommy's friends had babies.  I got to spend lots of time eating on the couch and sleeping in with Mommy when Daddy was gone on a trip (Shhh, don't tell Daddy!).   And, I finally got to go swimming in the pool and the beach again since I haven't been sick in a few weeks (Shhh, don't jinx it!).  I've begun putting my face in the water and blowing the ocean, the pool, the bath, and even in a bowl of water on the kitchen floor!  

I'm having a lot of fun these days....I only take one 1 1/2 hour - 2 hour nap each day. I've been getting up with the birds at 5:30 am since it's so light out and noisy outside. I go to sleep by 7 - 7:30 pm. That means, when I'm not taking a nap, I'm jumping and running and climbing (yes, I can now climb and stand on most of the furniture in the house; and I can also climb up all 100 stairs from our front door to our driveway, without holding onto the railing. In fact, if someone tries to help me, I tell them, "No!").

"No" happens to be my favorite word these days. Mommy tried to put my brown crocs on my feet the other day, and I told her "No...Blue shoes." She put them on me anyway, and I told her "take off". I know what I want to wear (even if it doesn't match).

Then there are those times where Mommy asks if I went "poopy" or "doo doo" and if I have to change my diaper. I always tell her, "No," with that high-pitched, innocent tone of mine and no eye contact.

I'm speaking in complete sentences these days. Some of my recent comments include:
* "I want to ring the bell." (as we approach a front door)
* "Please help me Mommy."
* "Mommy, open the door."
* "Where are you?"
* "Oh, right there."
* "What's this?"
* "Who's this?"
* "Oh no!"

Favorite phrases:
* "Read a boot" (translation: "boot" means "book")
* "Watch TV....animals, animals....elepant (elephant)"
* "Take apart" (I like to take blocks or puzzle pieces apart.)
* "Put bat (back) together" (Then I'll show you how I can put them back together.)
* "Doggie barking...Where's Neneena? (Selena)"
* "In the kitchen" (I know where they keep the good food.)
* "What Stewart doing?" (as I notice all the construction happening around our house)

What I'm Really Into These Days:

I still absolutely LOVE animals. I've been really into watching "Horton Hears a Who", although Mommy will only let me watch it 15 minutes at a time, so I don't think either of us have seen the whole thing from beginning to end yet. I love the "Ice Age" short on the DVD and always say the part, "Ghost story".

I can name at least 30 different animals and name the sound or action they do. For example, a "giraffe" has a "long neck", a "rabbit" "hops", and a "horse" goes "neigh". I like reading the National Geographic magazines Nana subscribes for me (they're a kids' version). There are a ton of animals in there. Plus, I can name all the birds around the neighborhood, since we feed them on Nana's lanai all the time. There are "bulbols", "cardinals", "doves", "Kramer' and "Hoppy (Hoppity)" (who are mynah birds). I like to reach into the bucket of bird seed and throw it on the roof or crumble up pieces of crackers and leave them on the railing for the birds.

I like showing "up" and "down", "top" and "bottom", "over" and "under".  It's neat that I finally have the words to explain all these things!  

Mommy and Daddy and Nana are getting more serious about potty training me now since I am talking, know when I go or am going to go, and have the words to name everything. But, so far, I have fun putting toys in my potty and spinning around on the seat. I even put the bucket on my head once (don't worry, I hadn't used it yet). So, this potty training thing should be quite an adventure for all of us.

We know summer is here because the bed comforter has been washed and put away. The A/C in the car and the house is being used more consistently now. And, Mommy dreads going to hot yoga on some days. The ants and geckos have been coming in the house a lot more, because they're thirsty for water, and Mommy gets grossed out constantly cleaning the bathroom and kitchen sinks and counters.  After I go to bed, Mommy and Daddy sit in the dark, waiting for flying termites to go to the TV light, so they can put them in a bowl of water.  

I'm starting to do naughty things, like putting my finger up my nose (or other people's noses), hitting Nana or Mommy when I don't like what they say, standing on furniture, jumping on the bed, and throwing water outside the bathtub.

Most of the times, I listen really well though. I still like to dance and play drums (donning party bed necklaces of course) too.

1 comment:

  1. Chase I really like your T-shirt and don't try walking up your stairs in those shoes!
    You are quite the talker now that you are 2. Uncle Chris has his birthday today but there will need to be a whole lot more candles than 2 on his cheesecake/birthday cake!
