Thursday, October 14, 2010

Introducing Baby Zack

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Mommy came home on Sunday after giving birth on Thursday morning. Her water broke at 1:30 am (same time as it did for me three years ago), all over Auntie Stevie's leather couch and floor. She got to the hospital at 2 am. They discovered that "Mo Baby" was completely breech, so she had to do a c-section. She was disappointed in having to go under the knife. Baby was out at 4:41 am. She was fine that day, but once the anesthesia wore off, it became a different story.

On the way to the hospital, Daddy was excited that Mom would be off bedrest, until we found out what the recovery time is for a c-section. Since Mommy delivered me au naturel three years ago, it has been quite a struggle for Mommy to get back on her feet. The first few days were rough, but one week later, she feels better and knows that each day will help. Friends and family have been dropping meals off and helping in many ways. Daddy took a couple weeks off from work since Mommy still can't drive, lift anything heavier than baby, or walk up the 100 stairs. He's been waking up in the middle of the night for changing diapers and doing a lot around the house and yard, as well as taking care of taking me to preschool, feeding me dinner, bathtime, and bedtime. Auntie Jane has been helping on days that she can, and Nana and Pop have been picking me up from school daily and dropping me off at the house for dinnertime. GlamMa will be coming here from California at the end of the month to meet baby Zack and help out for a couple weeks. I haven't seen her in over a year!

Baby Zack had his first week checkup with the pediatrician today. He is almost back to his birthweight, breastfeeding well from Mommy's overproducing boobs, and is healing his other parts. He may have an outie belly button once his umbilical cord falls off! It's been really hot, so Mommy's been trying to keep him cool so he's not so sleepy. She usually has to wake him up for nursing. His Hawaiian name Kaimalino means "calm ocean/waters", which is fitting since he seems to be a calm baby (even all the nurses in the hospital said so). Plus, on his birthday, October 7, it was the night of the first moon in Hilo, which meant there were calm ocean waters. Calm ocean waters are good for fishing, which his grandpa John would have liked.

I give baby Zack a kiss and a hug before I go to bed each night, and I sing to him in the car (now I have a buddy in the back seat with me!). I still call him "Mo" because that's what Mom and Dad called him while he was in the tummy. I'm not sure why their calling him Zack all of a sudden. Overall, I think he's really cute, and I am happy to be a big brother.

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