Mommy is enjoying her preschool job. She has a nice bunch of 4 year olds, and she gets to play with them all afternoon. They do centers, , naps on Wednesdays, play "Red Light, Green Light", paint, play on the tire swing, hula hoop, walk on stilts, play on the play structure, play with moon sand, read stories during circle time, sing songs, and every now and then, Mom throws in a little writing that they can take home (This month, they're talking about their feelings and emotions). Her class loves the outdoors, whereas the other class loves inside centers and loves fine motor activities, like stringing leis and necklaces.
After work(s), Mom went to Costco to get groceries, and still beat me and Dad home by 6:30 pm. She cooked dinner, fed me dinner, and then Dad bathed me and put me to bed at 7:30 pm. These days, I enjoy when Dad reads my favorite books before bedtime...Goodnight Moon, Goodnight Vermont (thanks to Nana and Pop), and a book all about things on a Farm (which I call 'Old MacDonald Had A Farm'). It's become our ritual before he asks me whether or not I want to sleep on my bed or in the crib.
One of these days, Mom's gonna try and bring me to the preschool and sneak me in on all the fun!
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