Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Joys of Two To Four Year Olds

Mommy rushed home from 5:30 am yoga so that she could get cleaned up and ready for work and drop me off at preschool by 7:45 am. I was only the second kid there. But, Mom put me down and I only stood for about 3 seconds before running off to play in the toy area. And I didn't look back. Did I tell you I love preschool?

When Nana picked me up, she got to see my food report for the day. Sausage and eggs for breakfast. Check. Curry and rice and fruit for lunch. I tried the curry, but I didn't like it. I ate my brown rice and fruit of course. For afternoon snack, I ate 3 crackers, and then kept asking for more. So I had about 7 Ritz crackers and juice.

I had a different set of clothes on by the afternoon because I had poured water all over myself while playing outside. That's why Mom and Dad packed 3 changes of clothes for me, right?

I successfully went poopy in the potty today. The teachers are impressed that I can name colors and count and say my ABC's.

I was not so successful at Nana's and Pop's afterwards though. I got put on a time out after I threw a toy at the screen door.

Mommy didn't have any of that with the preschoolers, but she did have kind of a chaotic afternoon, with 2 kids who wet their pants (again, it's a good thing there are changes of clothes!) and one who woke up crying inconsolably after he had a bad dream during nap time (who then made another child cry just because it caused a chain reaction). The morning teachers were having an afternoon meeting/farewell party in the next room, so it was quite noisy, and the children kept stirring from their naps.

Then, there was all the paint and moon sand to clean up in the late afternoon.

Ah, the joys of two to four year olds!

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