Monday, January 12, 2009

Visit to the ER

Mommy and Daddy brought me into the ER last night around midnight as I threw up again in my sleep (actually Daddy had already picked me up from the crib, so I actually threw up all over him....Lucky Daddy!). When they brought me into the bathroom, Mommy freaked out because my face had completely swelled up like a puffer fish, so much so that my eyes were shut. She said I didn't even look like the same baby! They quickly got dressed and off we went.

Based on my symptoms, vomiting (only at night the past two nights), rash (which is now welty and all over my whole body/face), fever, and diarrhea, the ER doctors were not sure, but think I have a viral infection...kinda like a stomach flu.

They gave me Benadryl for the rash, which they say is just cosmetic. Because there is blanching (when you touch it, it turns white), that's not life-threatening. They said to watch my breathing. I'm breathing fine, so that's a good sign. Mommy will go into work first thing to get stuff done and make an appointment to see my pediatrician as soon as we can today.

Even though I was tired and swollen and itchy, I didn't cry when the doctors were examining me, but I didn't like it when they stuck that stick down my throat. They don't think it's a chemical reaction from the fumigation because of the type of rash I have, so that's good. But Mommy and Daddy are worried that I'm really sick again. I've never had this before. Mommy has a lot of allergies, so she was worried about my hives and swollen face and hoping that I wasn't having trouble breathing because that can happen to her when she gets a bad allergic reaction.

We got home at 2 am, took a bath to clean up, and then went right to bed. We'll keep you posted and let you know how the doctor's goes today.
10 am:
We visited the Doc this morning, and he believes that my symptoms together represent a “viral illness” with a rash. Mommy and Daddy just need to give me "supportive, comfort care." I'll just continue with Benadryl or Zyrtec to help with the swelling of my "Rocky Balboa" face, as the Doc called it. My forehead, ears, lip, cheeks, and eyes are so swollen that I look like a different boy.
He says I'm just super-sensitive and am having a bad reaction to the hives.
Mommy dropped me off at Nana's so that she could go back to work to setup her classroom now that the kids will be coming back to school tomorrow. We're all tired though. It was a long night. But, I guess I'll just have to deal with this fat face for a week or so and stay away from my daycare and my visiting cousins until I get rid of this virus.

1 comment:

  1. What a way for Mommy to end her break! I hope you are better soon little 'Rocky Balboa' faced Chase.
