Zack had a great 2 month checkup with Dr. Sia. He's still a bit congested since birth, but being born in the winter, around the flu and holiday season doesn't help. But, it doesn't seem to bother Zack that much since he's already sleeping 4-5 hour stretches at night. The doc says his breathing and lungs are fine, so to just give him a nasal saline spray, to keep him sleeping upright, and to just keep nursing him on demand. His left eye continues to have all that makapiapia (eye boogers in Hawaiian) too, but we continue to just wipe and massage his blocked tear duct. He says that, over time, it should clear up. As long as the whites of the eyes are not red, they are not infected.
Zack's stats at 2 months:
Weight: 11 lbs. 6 oz. (50+%)
Height: 21 3/4 inches (10%)
Head Circumference: 37 1/2 cm (5-10%)

Here is another gorgeous view from the front porch and bar of the beachhouse we stayed at in Waianae with the Keanes.

And here is baby Zack swinging away in his swing. This time, Mommy and Daddy got smart and got one that plugs into the wall. With all the swinging I do, it saves on D batteries!

Chase likes his Automoblox cars and put his pencil in baby Zack's hand.

Then, Chase covered baby Zack up with his blanket. Mommy needs to remind him not to cover baby's face.

Here is a beautiful sunset taken from our lanai.

Baby Zack is sleepy on his changing table after a nice warm bath. He loves baths by the way and even fell asleep in it once.

It's hard to catch his eyes open!

Here Zack is in his formal wear for Thanksgiving dinner.

Chase is giving his stink eye while Pop carries Zack.

The boys pose in their ties. Aunty Linda, Chase's preschool teacher, gave them these t-shirts because she is always commenting on Chase's cool t-shirts.

Here is the spread on Thanksgiving. The Halsalls went hunting and gathering again and picked up dinner from the Hyatt again this year.

Mommy told Chase to remember to hold baby's head. He took Mommy literally. Poor Zack!

Big brother Chase and little brother Zack

Chase loves giving hugs and kisses to his little brother Zack. Then he says, "Can you say 'Awww'?"


Ah, don't let baby fall!

Chase is comfy on the chair, but Zack looks a bit worried.

Zack sleeps through lunch (with Sir Prance-a-Lot) while Mommy visits with her friends at Big City Diner.

Aunty Jolene visited from Seattle and came to meet us at the mall for dinner. Chase couldn't resist and did his "statue" poses.

Zack is zonked out at home. Mommy's been putting him to sleep on the Boppy pillow in his pack-n-play to let gravity help with the congestion he's had since birth.

Zack's eyes are open!

Zack looks a bit milk drunk.

Zack sticking his tongue out

Chase is zoning out at the TV while baby Zack tries to lay on his lap.
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