Saturday, January 30, 2010

A Recap of January 2010

Since Mommy's having a hard time keeping up with the blog these days, here's a recap so far:

January 2010 was a busy one for us:

* Cousins Steph, Mike, and the kids Jake and Jaslynn were here for 3 weeks visiting from Seattle. Mom was so busy with her two jobs and yoga, that we only had them over once for dinner, went out to pizza with them another time, and we got to celebrate Jas' 2nd birthday at the Pagoda Hotel (where I had to go shirtless since I was itchy). Jas will probably be 3 the next time we see them since they'll be adding another baby boy to the Daily family this summer. The day they left, I got to say bye to them before I went to preschool. I gave Jas a hug and I gave Jake a high five. Can't wait to see my only first cousins again!

* Mommy's good friends Joel and Sonyei got married. Even though they all went to high school together, they weren't in the same crowds. They actually reconnected at my 1st birthday lu'au! So, I guess I've got good matchmaking skills! They're also expecting a little one this Fall.

* We went to my classmate Pililani's 3rd birthday at Magic Island. I looked for crabs, played in the water, and jumped in the bouncer. Mommy and Daddy were just hungry the entire time.

* We hung out with baby Coby and friends at the pool.

* We met up with cousin Doreen and her friend Sean who were on their first visit to Hawai'i. We ate some yummy Thai food (where I leaked through my diaper and had to wear swim pants because Mommy didn't have any extra shorts for me in the car) and then got ice cream at Bubbie's. I loved the ice cream!

* Mommy and Daddy went to the "LOST" series premiere at Sunset on the Beach with Kai and Jason. They were excited to see the stars walk down the red carpet, debrief about the final season, and have an adult night out.

* Aika had her 1st birthday party at the Discovery Center. I can't believe Taiga's little sister is 1 already! (and Auntie Miya has another one on the way due in the Fall) We had fun exploring the exhibits. Although there were a bunch of boys there, the parents called me the super mellow one as all the boys are so wild, and I just sat quietly and held on tight to the merry-go-round.
Coming up in February:

...Punahou Carnival...Dad's friends Jason and Avon and Baby Reagan come into town from Seattle...Mommy & Daddy celebrate their 3rd anniversary...Daddy's birthday...

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