A week or two later, Auntie Linda, my teacher from school, pointed out to Mom that I've been playing with that baby in the home center, somewhere I never frequented often. She told Mom that I could have the baby. I didn't realized Mom brought it home. When she showed it to me that night at dinner, I said, "AGAIN?! What's that doing here?" Mommy tried to explain that Auntie Linda thought I might like to have the baby, and I simply told her, "No, Mom, I'm busy eating right now."
And, here I am hiking Manoa Falls with Dad (while Mom is on bedrest).
The theme of this month has been "No, you stop it!" Mom and Dad say those are my favorite words these days. I've gone from a very verbal, articulate 3 year old to a boy of few words. If Mom and Dad are talking and I want their attention, or if the sun is in my eyes, or if someone tells me to stop it, or if kids aren't playing nicely, I say these words.
It's gotten to the point where Mom and Dad started making a song with the chorus, "No, you stop it!" and that really irritates me, but they think it's funny.
One day, I was jumping on the sofa at Nana's house and she scolded me. I told her, "No, you stop it!" and she replied, "You don't talk to me like that, young man." I ran in the other direction, saying "I'm running away!" and then I yelled back at her, "Nana, you're a mean guy!"
I have made some neat things at school for Mom and Dad. I painted a "painting of Mommy and Daddy", "Mommy's eyes", and I've even picked flowers (weeds) outside for Mommy.
Other cute things I've said recently:
"Shhh, I hear Daddy coming....(and after Dad comes in the door) "Dad, I recognized your footsteps!"
Daddy: "Chase, you're a good boy."
Me: "Yes, Daddy. I AM a good boy."
(Mommy starts laughing.)
Me: "Stop it, Mommy! Stop laughing at me!"
Mom and Dad have been busy with working, and lots of friends' events. Babies have been born, Mom had two baby showers (one from friends and the other from the ALS Support group), and friends came into town from the East Coast. We took Betty and Daniel to Hanauma Bay and Haleiwa Joe's. But both Mom and Betty (who's also about 6 months pregnant) we're tired from the heat.
The doctor told Mom and Dad that she probably won't make it to her Halloween due date. He thinks baby will come around 36-37 weeks. That was on September 13th. One week later, on September 20th, Mom was having back contractions. By 3:30 am on the 21st, Nana and Pop had picked me up and Mom and Dad headed to the hospital. Mommy had been having contractions every 2-8 minutes. After medication (the same thing she took when I was in her belly), the contractions subsided. Now, Mommy's on bedrest at Auntie Stevi and Uncle Gary's house since we have too many stairs at our house. I've been hanging out with her in the morning before I go to school, and when I come home. Dad has been busy with Mom's "To Do" list, getting the baby clothes washed, furniture put away, carseats installed, and delivering clean clothes and meals to Mommy as she lays on the couch. We're hoping baby keeps getting fat and stays in Mom's belly for at least 1-2 more weeks. Wish us luck....pretty soon, our whole lives (and blog) are about to change!