Things I Am Really Into These Days:
* Talking make-believe and making up stories and things as I play with my toys. (although the other day, I caught Mommy looking at me and I got all embarrassed, so I said, "Don't look at me! Turn around and look at the computer!"). I have imaginary friends, and I make up things that I see. Like when we're eating dinner, I'll say, "Listen...Do you hear a bear coming down the stairs? He has sharp claws, a big furry body, and BIG feet." Then Mom or Dad will say, "Oh I see him." And, I'll reply, "No, he's not there anymore. He's gone. He went home to eat dinner."
* Singing songs from the radio:
Michael Franti & Speahead's "Say Hey (I Love You)"...My favorite parts: "Hey Momma, Hey Momma!" and "I love you, I love you, I love you!"
* Getting interested in the baby in Mommy's tummy:
I hug and kiss Mommy's belly all the time. I include baby in my goodnight blessings before I go to sleep each night. I tell my friends and teachers at school that "there's a baby in my Mommy's tummy".
When people ask me if I want a baby brother or a baby sister, I tell them I want a baby brother. And when they ask why, I say, "So I can play soccer with him." Although Daddy told me I could still play soccer with a girl, I exclaimed, "NO! I want a boy!"
Mommy told me that I could talk to the baby in her tummy and that baby would be able to hear me. So one day, I hugged her tummy and told baby, "I like magnets and milk and water and noodles and trash cans." Mommy laughed because I had just come back from throwing something away in the trash can.
* Throwing tantrums when I don't want to do something, or because I want to do it all by myself.
Mom and Dad are discovering that two's were not so terrible, but three's are probably going to be more challenging.
* Fixing things:
One day we went to ride my bike up on the driveway. But Mommy said we had to lower the seat a little. She said she needed a wrench. So I ran down our 100 stairs, let myself in the house, opened the closet door, pulled down Daddy's heavy tool box from the shelf (It must have weighed about 10 pounds), and tried to open the box to look for the wrench. Mom came downstairs just in time to discover all this, and was surprised I took it upon myself to be so resourceful (without injuring my toe with the heavy tool box). Mom helped me open the box, and then I asked, "Which one is it? Is this a wrench?" Once we got the wrench we needed, we ran back upstairs to lower the bike seat.
* Relating things to books I've read:
One night I was looking at Mommy's eyes (which are always red from allergies she says) and I said, "Wow, you're eyes are really red. Let me see. (and I tried to put my finger in her eye)." She started moving her eyeballs all around and I said, "Hey, don't move your eyeballs like that! You're like the WILD THINGS!...They roll their TERRIBLE eyes, and move their terrible claws, and chomp their terrible teeth!"
Some Fun Things We Did This Month:
* Went to Mason's 5th Birthday Party at Sea Life Park
* Went to Coby's 1st Birthday Party at Waimanalo Shriner's
* Started preschool summer school program and spent a lot of time with Dad when Mom was finishing up the school year (since Nana and Pop went on a 4 week vacation to the East Coast and Europe.) I have fun going to school each day. I run off to my class and almost forget to give Mom or Dad a hug goodbye! Mondays and Tuesdays are regular center days, but we go walking on Wednesdays, cook a special meal on Thursdays, and have water play on Fridays.
* Went to Ala Moana Beach Park to play and swim (once I didn't have swim clothes on, and went in the ocean, holding my pants' legs up...then I slowly got deeper and deeper...and eventually I just went for it and dunked my head in the water and sat down in the water. It was so much fun! (though I had to ride back in the car in a diaper because I didn't have a change of clothes.)
* Went hiking with Dad
* Went to Wade's house to play and swim.
* Went to Dad's 20th reunion at Punahou. I had fun running around all over the campus, jumping off stairs and ledges and running through the gardens. I ate about 3 cups of poi at the lu'au.
I'm still a picky eater as ever. Mom and Dad get frustrated because I eat maybe one complete meal a day. I'll take one bite of something and like it and then the next minute, I won't like it and spit it out. I drink a lot of whole milk. That's the one thing I really like. A half gallon of milk every few days.
Although Mom and Dad know the gender of the baby, they're not telling me since I'll surely let it out to Nana and Pop (who don't want to know). Mommy was really tired the past few months and so she is really excited that the school year is finally over. But, now she is determined to clean and organize the house to get ready for baby. And, I really hope she doesn't throw away any of my toys (because my memory is superb and I know every single toy that I own!). She's just not sure how she'll get through this heat of summer because it's been so hot lately, and this time around, she needs to last all the way till Halloween!
They're planning my 3rd Birthday party at the end of this month. We're going to have it at Ala Moana Beach Park - Magic Island. We'll BBQ, play in the park and beach, and hang out all day long. I always have fun being outside! Come join us if you can! Sunday, June 27th from 10 am - 2 pm.