It's been a month since I've posted anything. But with mom working 2 jobs now, while living with drywall, tools, and furniture blocking our closets and walkways, it was a busy October. We couldn't use our computer because the outlets were not attached to the wall.
Even though Mommy had a Fall Break off from school, she used that time to get some much needed sleep and rest (and of course she ended up getting sick at the end of break and was feverish the first two days back at school). It was cool to have her on break because she would pick me up from school and we would go to the beach or go to the zoo. She still waited until the week before Halloween to do our costumes. She made me into a can of spinach (copying the exact font and print of the Del Monte spinach can label). She and Daddy were Olive Oyl and Popeye. She got to come to my school (thanks to Furlough Friday) for our "Harvest Walk" and walk with my class around the community college campus that my preschool is on. My class wore mouse ears and we got whiskers and a mouse nose drawn on our face.

We got really cool treats, snacks, and even personalized nametags, and crayons from different offices on campus. I even got to see mom's friend Aunty Linh since she works on campus. Mommy got to see me play in my class and meet my friends Pi'ilani and Memphis. On Halloween night, we made the mistake of going to Kahala Mall for trick-or-treating. The crowds were crazy and there was a huge LINE for candy. Although I looked cute in my Horton the Elephant costume, we didn't last long at the mall. We'll do the neighborhoods next year.

The humidity and vog has been terrible, and we were all sweating through the miserable heat this Fall. Mommy was dreading yoga and I slept many a night in Mom and Dad's room since my air conditioner wasn't hooked up. She is happy to report that the trade winds seem to have come back in November, and we can sleep comfortably at night again.
I am getting over a terrible cold I have had for a week now. It started with a fever last week, and a sore throat. I was congested most of the week, had a stye in my left eye, and Mommy had a hard time keeping me from rubbing my nose and my eyes. By Wednesday, I had lost my voice. For several nights in a row, I went straight to bed at 6:30 pm without eating dinner or taking a bath. Both Mommy and Daddy got little sleep though because whenever I'm sick like this, I wake up screaming in the middle of the night, unhappy and needing some kind of comfort. There was a lot of sheet washing and handwashing this past week, but Mommy and Daddy managed to stay healthy through it all. Mom is thankful for Furlough Fridays to be able to catch up on laundry, sleep, and still going through Grandpa's things.
We also celebrated some birthdays this past month. In mid-October, we went to Kapi'olani Women & Children's 100th birthday (and we were invited to the Bishop Museum Birthday bash because I am a graduate of the Neonatal ICU). It was like a carnival, and we got lots of fun gifts, food, and got to see the Dinosaurs exhibit (look at me and Dad who fell asleep under a T-Rex)
and the newly remodeled Hawaiian Hall at the museum. Mom hung out with Stacy and friends for Stacy's birthday at the end of the month. We went to baby Noah's first birthday lu'au, where I had my first experience in a bouncer, took pictures with Elmo, and enjoyed some Hawaiian food and a magician like we had at my first birthday party. We also celebrated Taiga's 4th birthday today at Kaka'ako Park. I'm still cautious and shy around kids my age, but it was fun to see Taiga and the other kids. He got a lot of Cars toys and clothes. I had fun walking with Daddy across the rocks and watching the ships and the surfers in the water.
I am now 28 months.
Some of my favorite things are:
* Asking A LOT of questions: "What's that noise?" (My hearing is so good that things miles away in the valley wake me up), "Where are you going?", "What is this?", "Where's Uncle/Auntie?", "What you doing?"
* Throwing things
* Admitting guilt (After I throw things, I'll go, "OH NO!!!" and Mom and Dad will ask, "Who did that? Who made that mess?" and I'll happily say, "Chase!" (That may come to bite me in the butt in a few years.)
* Repeating EVERYTHING my parents say (even with the same tone and inflection of voice) and having Mommy and Daddy copy me (Make a funny face or noise and tell them, "You do that!")
* Comparing things by size: I'll look at a mouse in a book and say, "That mouse is so small. Just like me." Mom will ask, "Is Mommy small?" I'll say, "No, Mommy's big. Daddy's big. Chase is small."
* Hanging on Mom and Dad
* Hiding from Mom and Dad
* Waking up in the wee hours of morning (around 5 - 6 am), going to Mommy and Daddy's room, and then jumping all over Mommy.
* Climbing on the monkey bars on playground structures at parks. I do it all by myself (which scares Mommy) but I'm good at it!

* Playing with tools (Mommy brought home a new playset of tools from school, and I just love using my screwdriver, hammer, nuts and bolts. Now I have 2 workbenches!)
* Elephants (I've always been into animals, and elephants are probably my favorite animal at the zoo. Perhaps it was my elephant costume. But I've been sleeping with my Mommy elephant and Baby elephant all the time now!)
* My blankets (I absolutely LOVE my muslin blankets. I always ask, "Where are my blankets?" I carry them around all the time, sucking on the ends, and will grab every one I can find in the house - I have about 7 in all. If Mommy or Daddy tries to use them, I say "No, my blanket!")
* Saying "Mister Mister"....It's really supposed to be "Mr. Mischief"...Mom and Dad say I'm saying it wrong. Mom found me this cute shirt, and everytime I wear it, I say, "Mister Mister".
* Telling everyone to "Come on!" when I really want to go somewhere.
* Saying, "No, mine!"
My Favorite Books/Songs/Rhymes I Like To Recite These Days:
* Brown Bear, Brown Bear
* Goodnight Moon
* Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
* Old MacDonald Had A Farm
* Hokey Pokey
* Ring Around The Rosey
* Baa Baa Black Sheep
I'm really good at communicating what I need or want. I always say, "I need help" when I need it. I'll tell Mommy or Daddy when I'm hungry or thirsty. I'll tell them exactly what I want to eat too (Mommy discovered that I'll eat pasta with tomato sauce, to add to my repertoire of noodles). When I try something new, I'll say, "I like it!" or "I don't like it.". Since I'm getting good at taking off my diaper for fun, Mommy decided to leave it off as an experiment today to see if I would just go to the potty when I needed to. It worked for awhile, and I told Mommy "I'm a big boy!", but eventually I wanted the diaper back on.
Let's hope that we're healthy, stay cooler, and less busy in November!