Tuesday, January 27, 2009
I'm 19 Months Old Today!
Monday, January 26, 2009
We went to visit Baby Michaela tonight. She was born before 8 am this morning, and is a healthy 7 pounds, which surprised Aunty Miya because she's a small gal herself, and older brother Taiga was only 4 1/2 pounds when he was born preterm like me. I tried to show off for the baby by being silly and goofy, playing hide-and-go-seek with the curtain in the room. I wasn't quite sure about the tiny little baby, but she is pretty cute. Congratulations, Miya, Junji, and Taiga!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
We went to visit Aunty Miya and Taiga today because Aunty Miya is going to have a baby tomorrow morning. She is scheduled to have her c-section early Monday morning, and she was already having contractions early this morning. We took a picture of her big tummy. I had fun playing with Taiga and his cars, as it's been weeks since we've seen each other. Good luck Aunty Miya, and we'll see you with the new baby girl tomorrow!
Book Challenge
* Open the book to page 56.
* Find the fifth sentence.
* Post the text of the next two to five sentences in your blog along with these instructions.
* Don't dig for your favorite book, the cool book, or the intellectual one: pick the CLOSEST.
Aunty Teresa said that she found this challenge from Rosemary, on Rosemary's Blog Spot.
This is what Aunty Teresa posted on her blog:
The Great Railway Bazaar by Paul Theroux.
"Go," said the conductor.
But I didn't want to go, for besides the overcrowded compartments of Europeans and Americans there were the compartments of Kurds, Turks, Iranians, and Afghans who slept on top of each other and cooked stews between their berths over dangerously flaring kerosene stoves.
The ferry moved off, hooting into the black lake.
(I love the last sentence!)
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Gung Hee Fat Choy!
Aunty Steph (Happy Birthday by the way!), Uncle Mike, Aunty Jane, Jake, and Jas flew back to Seattle today. I had fun playing with my cousins Jake and Jaslynn. They were here for a few weeks, but we didn't get to see each other as much as we wanted since I was sick for a week with that nasty virus, and we had tenting and construction on our house. Mommy laughs because she's the one that made Aunty Steph move to Seattle, and then she left, and now I'm growing up in Hawai'i, and they're still in Seattle and only get to visit once a year! Hopefully, one day, we'll all be in the same state and we'll get to play with each other more often! I really like having a boy cousin to look up to. I'm sure we'll play again when I visit Seattle in a couple of months.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
My First Rodeo Party
Tonight, Mommy and Daddy let me stay up past my bedtime for the second night in a row, so that we could help Auntie Jennifer celebrate her birthday. Jennifer and Mommy know each other from MDA, but actually their dads knew each other and their brothers played sports together when they were younger (Hawai'i is just small like that). Auntie Jen always has a themed birthday party. Last year, it was Olympics, and this year it was cowboys and cowgirls. I wore my rodeo shirt, and Mommy and Daddy tried to find their best cowboy looking shirts. I enjoyed looking at the cat at their place and checking out the cool water fountain. Mommy laughed at me because I started copying her by picking my teeth just like she was doing. I guess that's just what cowboys and cowgirls do on the pasture.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
"With hope and virtue, let us brave once more the icy currents, and endure what storms may come. Let it be said by our children's children that when we were tested, we refused to let this journey end, that we did not turn back, nor did we falter; and with eyes fixed on the horizon and God's grace upon us, we carried forth that great gift of freedom and delivered it safely to future generations."
We're excited for today, for our new President Barack Obama, and for the renewed hope for our country.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Loud Motorcyles
Although we didn't have much of a "storm" on Friday for the whole city to shut down, it was a productive weekend. Today I went with Daddy to run errands at Home Depot and the auto parts store while Mommy went to school to do some work. We came home to Uncle Jay and Uncle Mike working on fixing the motorcycles. The two motorcycles, a Yamaha and a Harley, have been sitting in the driveway since before I was born! Thanks goodness! Mommy would really like to see them up and running so she can have the parking space back. The Harley was grandpa's bike, and it's a shame it's all rusty and not running. But, thanks to Uncle Mike (Who would have thought he would spend two days sitting in our driveway fixing motorcycles during his vacation from Seattle?), he worked on the bikes and together, he and Jay got both bikes up and running this afternoon.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Jas' 1st Birthday Party
Friday, January 16, 2009
Mommy's Caught It
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Throwing The Storm Right Back At Ya
Here's a really neat shot of the sun setting behind the pyramid-shaped clouds. With winds up to 60 mph and a storm expected tonight, they announced on the news that all Hawai'i public schools will be closed tomorrow (plus all city and state workers). Too bad I was 'opihi boy today, all clingy and fussy, telling Mommy that I'm not feeling good again. First, I puked in my carseat on the way home from Nana's. I perked up a little bit at Aunty Stevi's house this afternoon, playing with their big exercise ball in the living room. But, then I got all fussy again at dinnertime and threw up all the macaroni noodles I ate (and even after I threw them up, I still wanted more...Never mind those "special" Mac-n-Cheese noodles Mommy cooked up tonight...I just wanted plain noodles.)
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Jumping Around Again
Monday, January 12, 2009
Visit to the ER
Mommy and Daddy brought me into the ER last night around midnight as I threw up again in my sleep (actually Daddy had already picked me up from the crib, so I actually threw up all over him....Lucky Daddy!). When they brought me into the bathroom, Mommy freaked out because my face had completely swelled up like a puffer fish, so much so that my eyes were shut. She said I didn't even look like the same baby! They quickly got dressed and off we went.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Vomiting, Rash, & Diarrhea Can't Stop Me
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Hanging Out With Daddy
Friday, January 9, 2009
Doctor Visit & Beach Time
After the guys came to take off all the tents and huff and puff up all our stairs (Mommy and Auntie Stevi gave them lots of water to drink), another guy came by to check with his meter thing to make sure it was okay to re-enter the house. We got the okay, and by mid-afternoon, Mommy was cleaning and putting things away. But, she was really tired. I bet Daddy was tired today too. None of us got much sleep last night. In fact, I took a 2 1/2 hour nap at Auntie Susie's house.
Playing In The Dark
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Tenting & Staying Overnight at Nana's
Even though Mommy is still on winter vacation from school, she's been sending me to my grandparents' and the sitter's all day long this week so that she can clean and organize the house (though something tells me she may be sneaking away to morning yoga classes and to Auntie Stevi's house to watch some Korean dramas as well because that was also on her list of things to do).
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
We helped celebrate Aunty Shelly's birthday at Uncle Bo's. Mommy and Daddy enjoyed the pupus and catching up with Aunty Steph and Uncle Mike and cousins Jake and Jas, who are visiting from Seattle. Happy Birthday, Aunty Shelly! Sorry we couldn't stay for the cake....Mommy and Daddy said it was way past my bedtime! And, they had to finish packing up the house for tenting tomorrow morning!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Time Outs
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Turn up the volume?
I knew something was up this weekend. It was Saturday night and Dad was filling this blue bladder looking thing up in the sink. Every time I walked past it, he stuck a tube in my mouth and told me to bite on the nipple thingie. Hey now...I know nipples and this is a poor substitute! So I bit on the faux nipple and lo and behold, water came out! Water, which I immediately spit out on the kitchen floor! Dad sorta looked at me askance and said, 'Babushka, you need to bite, drink and swallow the water. Not spit it out on the floor!'
So we tried again. And again, and then I finally got it. Dad was happy, so happy he started to dance in the kitchen. One of the fundamental things I've learned in my short time on this planet is that my Dad doesn't sing well, nor can he dance. I really hope I don't inherit these shortcomings from him.
I think the big, black Sherpani hiking backpack clinched it though. Whenever I see that thing, I know I'm up for an adventure. The last time Dad got it out, we went hiking up Kuli'ou'ou with some of his biking friends. That was ages ago, back when I only weighed 19 lbs, 10 oz and I only knew five words!
With a sly smile on his face, Daddy-oh started to explain to me that he was 'volunteered' to join a team for the 2009 Swamp Romp. I used my questioning look at him (rather then the 'I need to pass gas' face) and he explained that the Swamp Romp is a 10k team 'run' (he laughed/grimaced with his 'I need to pass gas face' when he said 'run') through the wilds of Kane'ohe Marine Corps Air station. Over hill, over dale, through muddy pits, under barbed wire, up over wooden walls, basically an adult playground.
So this was to be a hiking/training session. And poor me, I was going to be ballast up Koko Head Crater. I'm not doing the race, Dad just needed to watch me while Mom was at yoga and figured I'd help him work out.
Dad went on to explain that he and Pop'scle used to hike it on occasion when Nana was working at the old Job Corps. At the top of Koko Head Crater are some old military installations, left over from WWII and then further developed during the fifties and sixties. There's a helicopter landing pad, some concrete 'stuff' (notice how I’m learning all these good, technical terms) and the peak of the mountain is actually hollow with rooms and a pitch-black shaft with a rusted ladder.
Here's where the ballast came in; you hiked up to the top of the crater by walking up railroad tracks. Straight up. Up the mountain. To the top. Upupup, it's a great day for up!
Dad packed a lot of food and milk and diapers and extra clothes for me, and I went to bed looking forward to our adventure!
Sunday morning came and Dad smeared some of that foul smelling sunscreen on me that Mom hates. She won’t kiss Dad when he’s got it on. He explained again, putting big floppy hats on the both of us, that since he and I are so fair skinned, we needed the protection before going out in the sun.
After everyone arrived at the parking lot, Dad loaded me up and we started. I was fine for a while, and then I started to notice this uncomfortable rubbing sensation between my legs. I thought about it, it wasn’t the same as having a wet diaper, but something was getting uncomfortable.
Let’s let Dad know, ‘Waah!’
“Hey Chase, you having fun? It’s gorgeous out here.”
Okay that didn’t work. Let’s try “Waaahhhhh!”
“Sorry Babushka didn’t mean to stop. It’s a lot of work, carrying you up this hill. I’m getting tired.”
Still not getting the message, let’s dial it up a bit. “WAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nope. Dad didn’t get the hint that the pack was rubbing my calves raw. There’s this piece of sharp nylon webbing and with my feet in the stirrups, rubrubrub! I was very upset at this time, and if I could have figured out how to conk him on his head, I would have. So I just cried. And cried. He stopped and changed my diaper, that didn’t do it. Since I had on long shorts (or was that ‘short pants’?) he didn’t see the rubbing. Tried to get me to drink from his Camelbak nipple (again with the fake nipple!) and food. Nothing worked. I was angry and was going to tell everyone on the hiking trail about it. Which I did. I can cry really loud.
So here it is, a week later and I’m rocking cute Batman Band-Aids on my raw calf. Dad is annoyed with himself that he didn’t figure out what was going on (Point to Nana, she was changing my diaper and noticed the symmetrical rubbing and THEN Dad figured it out. Sometimes he’s not the cleverest monkey in the forest, hairiest yes, cleverest no.) I have a new ‘phil & teds’ pack (which both of us like better) once he figured out what the problem is and just needs to box up the Sherpani and ship it back to REI. Despite having a new pack, I don't think Dad is in any hurry to carry me up the over four million stairs, but I'm only eighteen months old, so I might have miscounted a wee bit.